Articles by Jody

Jody Webb
The Smile of a Horse

The Smile of a Horse

Does your horse smile? Have you ever thought about a horse smiling? I’ve got to admit I didn’t think about it for a good amount of time that I owned horses. Whoever thinks of a horse smiling anyway? But its true, a horse can have a smile. And sadly, they can also frown. Trainers talk often about the “willingness” of the horse. We can train willingness into them with positive (and sometimes negative) discipline. I once heard a child psychologist say “In order to raise a child right, you must praise twice as much as you correct”. Children and horses...

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Jody Webb
SHINE Comes from the Inside OUT!

SHINE Comes from the Inside OUT!

Horse products are great, aren’t they? We can clean, shine, heal, dress up, shave off and just about anything you can think of with a horse product for sale out there. But let’s face it, even with all the products out there, the best way to get a shine on a horse is from the inside out! As with humans, nutrition is what makes the body healthy. With that comes recognizing what is healthy and what is not. Let's be honest here, most feeds on the market are made with minimal nutrition and are full of fillers and items that...

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Andrea Lewis

Horse Nation Articles

  Natural Horsekeeping: Variety Is the Spice of Life Natural Horsekeeping: The Problem With Parasites The Problem With ‘Easy Keepers’ The Problem With Easy Keepers, Part II The Perils of Lush, Beautiful, Oh-So-Delicious Spring Grass A ‘Problem Horse’: Coping with EPSM

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Jody Webb

Probiotics: The Other Side of the Story

For the last few years, I have been attempting to educate horse owners on the overuse/proper use of probiotics. Since probiotics are currently the “fad” of the equine feed world, they are found in quite literally everything! Complete feeds, supplements, and sold alone, probiotics have made their niche in the world of horse feeds. So, here’s the problem with that… About four years ago when testing horses with my Herbal Sampling kit (which allows the horse to choose their own herbs) I kept finding mares who were bucky, sore in the back end, didn’t want their udders/stomachs touched but didn’t...

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