For the Parents, Grandparents, and Assorted Nerds
Have you heard of Bamboo clothing?
It's a fantastic fabric that is so soft and stretchy it helps reduce or even prevent the symptoms of things like eczema and dermatitis. It also helps a ton with sensory issues in kiddos who have trouble with rough textures. The elasticity means it will fit twice as long as most other fabrics!
This isn't horse related but it is Wild Horse related
- and is all about the comfort of the new little equestrians in your family! You may have noticed we have begun to expand our gift shop - which is thanks to the help of our oldest daughter, Drea. But did you know she has her own business as well?
Her primary focus is bamboo apparel and bedding, with a goal to expand into adult sizing by the end of the year. She also has a gift section under Trinkets that includes shirts, mugs, tote bags, and more! So if you have any nerdy family and you're not quite sure what sort of gifts they would like I can assure you that this is an excellent option. The quality is great and she does all of the art herself!
If you enjoy supporting small, consider looking her up!