I found Grace (formerly known as Una) in a Craigslist ad...I have been shopping around for a safe pony for the Grandkids. I saw her ad and passed it by, then went back the next day and then the next. She just tugged at my heartstrings! As you can probably guess, I wear my heart on my sleeve. I have had several "rescue" horses...some failures (permanent issues I couldnt fix, just delay the outcome of), some successes. I not only love the challenge of solving their issues but have a passion to help those that others have given up on. If I had a large bank account and owned my property, I would already be housing a bunch of rescues. Instead I help other horse owners solve their issues with their horses (which I love!) and help a horse myself when I can....thus Grace.
Grace is a wonderful word. It means "unmerited favor". This horse has done nothing to "earn" my favor, I just want to give it to her. This horse was abandoned at a boarding stable. Apparently the owner put her there several months ago and didn't show up again until she relinquished her to the stable owner...an elderly man who rented out his barn for some extra income. The open sarcoid showed up after she moved in and for months it has gone untreated. I didn't meet the barn owner but his son. They really seemed to care what became of the horse but couldn't afford to feed and treat her themselves. On the day I emailed about Grace, the barn owner had just the night before driven himself to the emergency room for a leg infection. Though that doesn't seem like a kind form of "providence", Grace would have already been put down if this had not happened. They had already dead ended their other options as no one was willing to take on this mare and her "issue". And then I contacted them..
Below are pictures of Grace. If you have a squeamish stomach I would not recommend viewing them. We will continue to update her progress. I don't know what her future will bring. Under all this mess is a very sweet and nice looking mare. Hopefully she will have a long and healthy life after her recovery.
Wild Horse Products not only supports our family, but helps support horses in need. Other than spoiling our grandkids, I cannot possibly imagine a better use of our income. Thank you, my dear customers, for being part of what we do.
Grace's journey continues HERE
Jody Webb
Owner Wild Horse Products
About 100lbs under weight, in need of nutrition and love!
Infected Sarcoid has burned her skin. Hopefully we can get the hair to grow back...
This is from her Craigslist ad. I think it was the pain in her eyes that got me. The name "Grace" came to me before I even met her..
Hi Jody
I am in the same boat as you with our new Mustang. This is a challenge and out of my box. Never had a Mustang before. He definitly has PTSD. Always out of mind. It is tough teaching with out a reaction. Getting the trust is a major problem. So now I will follow you. Now that his weight is back to normal I need to adjust the diet. i got him at 670 pds and and after 3 months he is at 900. Now that he feels better he is more resitant to doing things or testing me. talk to you soon. Barb Henry
Made my day to see Grace given a chance. Kindness, love and good intentions radiate from you.
Knowing you and your gift and passion that you have had since a little girl, you will bring this horse back to health and vibrancy.
Grace was saved by you, but probably God himself handpicked you to show the doubters the gift He himself placed in you
I can’t wait to see updated pics of Miss Grace